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Legal Notice/Imprint


Telio Communications GmbH

Name and address

Telio Communications GmbH
Postfach 57 04 01
22773 Hamburg

Telephone number

+49 (0) 40 / 22881515

Email address

Entries in register

Registration court: Hamburg District Court, Commercial Register (Part B) 69693

VAT ID number

DE 812615965

List of trademarks

Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks on Telio websites are protected by trademark law. This in particular applies for Telio brands, type labels, company logos and emblems. The brands and design elements used on our pages are the intellectual property of Telio Communications GmbH.

Liability disclaimer

Although this website has been created with the utmost of care, Telio Communications GmbH cannot provide any guarantee whatsoever for the freedom from error or accuracy of the information contained therein. Telio Communications GmbH accepts no liability for any direct or indirect damages that may arise from the use of this website, except in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of Telio.

List of licences

The intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks and copyright, contained in the Telio website is protected. This website shall not be deemed to constitute a licence for the use of the intellectual property of Telio or any third party.